There are several types of violence against women: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Harmful Traditional Practices, Trafficking in Women and Girls, etc. Some of them are more frequent in underdeveloped countries, but all of them may occur in developed countries as well, and very close to where we live.
Read some of the information linked below and then comment on what you learned or thought about this problem when were reading these pages. The following questions can help you with your comment:
- What was surprising for you in the information you have read about violence against women?
- Have you ever been a witness of this kind of violence? In that case, how did you feel?
- Do you think a "violence perpetrator" can change his behaviour?
Unifem Facts & Figures
Domestic Violence: What is it?
Imagine what it is like
Read about some of Myths and stereotypes about domestic violence.
Respect's philosophy
A collection of posters selected by my colleague Pablo
have a nice week
3 comentarios:
New Words:
unabated: Sin cesar
tacitly: Tácitamente
condoned: tolerada
coerced: coaccionado
otherwise: de otro modo
efforts: esfuerzos
laws: leyes
issue: cuestión
regardless: sin tener en cuenta
both: tanto
warmth: calor
treat: tratar
shape: forma
The violence is manifesting every day with one or more deaths, very sad.. From my point of view: there are many medios of information to avoid these situations but we arent settleing nothing. Every day there are most cases of domestic violence and violence gender. I'm according to all question posed I hope that someday this problem disappears.
Merche Ortega
Hello to all.
My opinion with regard to the violence of genre is that I am in against, because only for being a woman, we do not have because to suffer. I know cases and they are very sad. It is necessary to help these women to have the value to be revealed, and denounce if we see something strange, we all can help.
Happy christmas
Laura Alganza Jimenez
In my opinion, I am in opposition to the violence of genre, because it is cruel and an unlash. I know cases, and it is very sad.
We must help the women with this problem.
condoned: rolerada
laws: leyes
HaPpY cHrIsTmAs
LaUrA aLgAnZa JiMeNeZ
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